Male, 7 years old (birthday: June 2017)
46 pounds, 25″ tall
Black and White
Great Health
Reason in Rescue: Owner relinquished because she moved to assisted living after giving a loving, well cared for life since he was a puppy.
Jack is being fostered in New Berlin, WI. For more details, CLICK HERE to contact Jack’s foster home.
If you are interested in meeting Jack to see if you are a match, complete an adoption application with WBCR and get approved through each step of the process. This must be done before we can consider you to be matched with one of our Border Collies. Click the Adoption link and read the full application instructions.
December 15, 2024 – Will you play tug or toss?
December 13, 2024 – Frisbee for the win VIDEO
Jack is loving his frisbee this morning. WBCR Jack frisbee (please excuse the annoying dog voice by the video taker)

December 12, 2024 – Scratching mystery
For the last two weeks, Jack has been itching. At first, I thought fleas so we did all the treatments and there was zero flea evidence and no real change. It comes and goes so we are thinking he may have some sort of allergy that has developed with food or environment, or he is bored and I need to up my game for fun. This will be something to watch. It’s not severe but it is noticeable and a change since he arrived.
December 11, 2024 – Jack’s Wish Lists
Jack’s Wish List for his Forever Home: A car ride every day. Fresh water every day. Lots of human time to just be together every day. Conversation like I’m your buddy. Squirrels to chase. A walk every day.
Jack’s Foster Mom’s Wish List for his Forever Home: Everything on Jack’s list plus daily brushing, understanding his desire to be your best friend and loyal companion, and to not leave him alone outside (he likes to be with his human) so that means hanging out or going for walks to do his duty.
December 10, 2024 – Jack watches the neighborhood
Jack likes to check out the neighborhood from the front door. He is usually quiet when dogs come by and gives a big bark when squirrels are in view. Here he is watching a neighbor with her two dogs walk past. And the other photo is A+ squirrel patrol.

December 9, 2024 – Snuggle !!!!!!!
Jack loves affection and attention but he is selective with his snuggling. I invited him up on my lap tonight and he allowed me to snuggle for about 4 minutes. Then he was like, “it’s hot and I’m not sure I should be on furniture” and jumped off.
December 8, 2024 – Jack wants to join me on errands with VIDEO
Here is another chance to show off Jack’s cuteness while he listens for key words. Note to Jack’s future forever home: Please make sure to not let your friends and family tease him by asking him “to go for a…” and then not follow through. He is too sweet and too happy of a dog to be taken advantage. VIDEO before we take a drive to the grocery store.
December 7, 2024 – Mr. Social Butterfly at the dog park with VIDEO
We went back to the dog park for the third time this morning and there were more dogs than our first visits. Jack was thrilled. He wanted to socialize more than run. There were zero scuffles and lots of butt sniffing. He was a fairly good listener but not always if he had a human or dog in his sights that he wanted to say hi to. For this reason and for his deer/squirrel/rabbit drive, he should always be on leash unless in a fenced in area. VIDEO of his awesome listening skills (but we weren’t near dogs). Once again, he really wanted to get back to the car anytime we passed the entrance gate. He even went under the fence into the gated vestibule area. If this dog could live his life riding around in a car, he would be the happiest.
December 5, 2024 – Meeting new people
Jack seems to do best to be outside of his home when meeting new people. My dad came over and we met him outside on leash and it was a grand success. A friend came over later on who he had met multiple times. I didn’t give him much time to see who was at the door before letting the human in and Jack was a little mouthy (nibbly of my friend’s gloved hand)…not mean, just uncomfortable.
We went back to the dog park at night and we had the whole place to ourselves. He ran and ran for a half hour straight. He was so happy and stuck relatively close to me.
December 4, 2024 – Jack goes to the dog park
Now that Jack has fully healed from his neuter, I wanted to find some dog socializing opportunities. Dog parks aren’t always the best option for Border Collies so we went early this morning to beat any crowds. The experience was a grand success. It was just us the first 15 minutes so he ran and ran and sprinted and listened and was in all his glory. The only time he didn’t listen was when he realized he was close to the enter/exit gate that we used. He sprinted and just waited. One may think it’s because he wanted to leave the park but I disagree; I think it was because he knew if he waited there, a car ride would come soon.
At that point a group of 3 humans and 4 dogs arrived for their daily gathering. Jack was appropriate and polite with everyone. He sniffed dog butts pretty intensely but he seemed to read the room and didn’t annoy anyone. The only minor conflict we had was when a new dog jumped up on me. Jack told him to get off me and that was that. It was appropriate in my book.
December 3, 2024 – Jack’s meal puzzles with VIDEO
Every day I try to be smarter than a Border Collie to make sure Jack is mentally stimulated. He has decreased his meal time every week since arriving as I try different toys and puzzles for his kibble. VIDEO of tonight’s food containers.
December 1, 2024 – Happy December from Jack the Elf!
November 30, 2024 – Jack’s drool with video
Jack waits to patiently to lick my salad bowl each night. The drool is real and plentiful. VIDEO of the infamous drool.
November 29, 2024 – Chin resting
Jack likes to use my knees as a chin rest.
November 27, 2024 – Jack loves…
Jack loves to be told he is a “good boy”. He also loves when people talk to him. He twists and turns his head as you talk listening very carefully. VIDEO of infamous head tilt.

November 25, 2024 – Jack’s tricks
Here is a VIDEO of Jack showing off his tricks. He also knows “go get a toy” and is learning “bow”.
November 24, 2024 – Eye Candy
Jack continues to be a handsome Border Collie (pure eye candy) looking for his new family who loves routine, affection, and calm.
November 24, 2024 – More snuggles!!!!!
In the evening, I have been lying on the floor after dinner and Jack has been snuggling with me. It’s magical!
November 22-23, 2024 – New Dogsitter
I left and had a friend stay to take care of Jack for the evening and overnight. He did well. He let her in the house and hung out with her all evening. I warned her that “he will probably stare at you all evening which can be a Border Collie thing”. She confirmed that he was a good boy and stared at her for hours. She tried to put his bodysuit back on at one point and he did show her some teeth. She took that as her cue to skip the bodysuit. He gives me zero issue of touching, squeezing, dressing, etc. him. This seems to be more about needing more time to trust a new human before he is poked, prodded, and fondled.
Jack was happy to see us return this morning. He seemed extra snuggling for TV time tonight.
November 21, 2024 – Stealing of mittens and pillowcases
A few times Jack has pulled one of my mittens off the table and took it to the other side of the room. I don’t think he was going to chew on it or ruin it because he doesn’t really destroy things. I think he just wants to take some of my items. Today he took a pillowcase from the floor while I was making the bed with fresh sheets. I had no idea. I searched everywhere in my bedroom wondering where it had gone. I gave up and came out to the living room to find it lying on the floor.
November 21, 2024 – Overnight guest
We have company staying with us for the weekend and Jack welcomed her with open arms after some sniffing and judging. He is excited to have multiple humans to pet him.
November 20, 2024 – Bodysuit
Jack refused to wear a cone but also was doing some licking during his neuter recovery. I bought him a bodysuit made for dogs to prevent access to their wound and it works like a charm. The inventor of this is brilliant.
November 18, 2024 – Neuter Day
Jack was so thrilled to jump in the car for his early morning vet drop off. I can hardly open the hatchback before he tries to leap into the car. (We will work on waiting.) He happily went off with the tech after a quick “you are leaving me?” look.
The vet and staff called to say all went well and that he was doing great in recovery that afternoon. He was a little woozy so I had to wait a couple more hours before picking him up. The staff said he got lots of cuddles and pets during recovery and loved everyone. He was tired and drugged for the ride home but happy to be riding in the car.

November 17, 2024 – My Shadow
Jack follows me everywhere in the house. If I get up to do anything, he gets up too to see where I am going. He watches me cook, brush my teeth, sort laundry, etc. At night, he has free range of the house except for the bedroom. In his first home, they closed the bedroom doors to create boundaries; in my house, I put up a gate to create the bedroom boundary. He quietly sleeps through the night in the living room and/or hallway, ready for action in the morning.
The last few days he has started to cuddle by putting his head into my chest so I can scratch his neck and body. He is loyal to his human.
November 16, 2024 – Settling every day
Today is the two-week anniversary of Jack transitioning into foster care. Every day he gets more settled into his temporary home. His forever home will probably experience a higher energy dog with some anxiousness the first couple weeks but with a routine and calm energy, Jack will transition into his relaxed, chill self who seems to be always happy. The humping the first week or two is practically nonexistent now. His original home said he did not hump so this aligns with his calm, settled self.
November 16, 2024 – Jack loves to lick if allowed
Jack loves to give kisses on your ears, neck, and feet. If you don’t like that sort of thing, you can just tell him no and he is cool with stopping.
After my workouts, he likes to lick the sweat off of me as well.
November 15, 2024 – New “trick”
Jack is very food motivated. His new trick is he has to sit/stay while I fill a food puzzle. He avoids watching me by looking up and away from the food so he isn’t tempted to move. Such a good boy!
November 14, 2024 – He is so handsome
I can’t get over how perfectly handsome Jack is from every angle.

November 13, 2024 – Things that calm Jack
If I have been away at work all day, Jack is very excited and relieved when I return. We go for a 2-3 mile walk, eat dinner, and do a few games. If he is still a little revved up, I have found that playing more food “find it” games get him settled and ready for a calm evening. Any time he can have the front door open to watch outside, relaxes him as well.
November 12, 2024 – Favorite toys
Jack loves any new toy for the first day or two. There are some toys that last longer than a couple days and are his favorites. His original mom said that her husband would often bring a new toy home for Jack any time he stopped at a store. I can see his excitement whenever I reveal a new toy for him to play with. Here he is with a new-to-him squeaker toy. He brings it to me, then runs to the other side of the room to wait for me to toss it.
November 11, 2024 – Relaxed home alone
Jack used a crate the first year or so of his life but he hadn’t used one for the last six years. I feed him in the crate and he is in a crate when he rides in the car. Otherwise, he is trustworthy when I am at work and I have him sectioned off in only part of the house. Here he is on the security camera.

November 10, 2024 – Stranger Danger versus “Guard” Dog
When we are on walks and have met fellow walkers, Jack is interested in saying hello. He is polite and doesn’t jump. Tonight my friend came over with her 8 year old daughter. I brought Jack outside on a leash for them to meet him. He was high energy and happy to sniff them. He went back and forth for pets and then decided they were a threat after a minute or so. He started to bark at them so I got him back inside. His original mom said he was a good watch dog; I will try to have some friends stop by to see if this is a guarding my house behavior or just a fluke. I keep reminding myself that his whole world has been turned upside down so he is figuring out all the rules and expectations.
November 10, 2024 – Looking for squirrels

November 9, 2024 – Frisbee time!

November 8, 2024 – Vet Visit & Car Rides
Jack had his initial baseline visit with the vet prior to his neuter. He did well. He lost a few pounds and is now at 48 pounds. We would him to lose a few more to be at a healthier weight. He snapped when the vet was pulling up his gums to look at his teeth. During his neuter, they will check his teeth to make sure none of them are giving him any issues and that the snapping was just out of fear. He loved all the people and treats; everyone loved Jack as well.
Jack did great with our 45 minute drive to and from the vet. He jumps into any car easily. He is very excited to go for a ride. At first I interpreted that happiness and sheer excitement as nervousness and anxiety. In hindsight, I think it is more of a happy excitement instead of a scared excitement.
His original mom said he much prefers the car windows up when riding. The open windows and wind bother him. I didn’t test it out since he was high energy already and took her word for it.
November 7, 2024 – Begging?
In an earlier blog entry below I wrote that Jack doesn’t beg. He has started to and this may be a quickly learned behavior. I need to do better.
November 6, 2024 – Dog interactions
On our evening walk, we met up with a friend who has a very chill dog. Jack reportedly is great with other dogs. I haven’t tested him yet because he does the Border Collie stare and crouch which seems to scare humans and makes dogs uneasy. Jack did well. He definitely invaded the other dog’s space and tried humping him a couple times during our 60 second interaction but there was a lot of happiness from Jack. The other dog tolerated his closeness and I consider that a win.
Jack is an interesting guy. In some ways simple and in other ways complex. He likes human interaction most so he likes it when I watch him play with his toys and watch him eat his meals. He does not like to be left outside alone in the fenced in back yard. I ran in to grab a jacket and he was at the door waiting within seconds of me leaving.
We did an extra long loop this evening to see if that would make him hump less and rest more; it did not. He may be 7 years old but he is full of energy and engagement.

November 4, 2024 – Jack’s wish list
Jack is looking for a home that understands Border Collies and their need for staring, thinking, and processing. Our morning 3-mile walk and evening 2-mile walk does not tire him out so he will want someone who walks in all weather so he can do his business and exercise. Overall, he is an anxious dog when he isn’t with his humans or when he gets over stimulated. I tend to give my dogs a lot of pets and snuggles. This can be triggering for Jack and he goes into humping mode. I am holding myself back to create a calm home so he can continue to adjust.
So far I believe his wish list for his forever home includes: a window or door at ground level to watch outside all day, toys that squeak, walks multiple times a day, a human who doesn’t mind some pulling during walks, a human who is home more often than not, daily routines, love, and patience. He wants to be the center of someone’s world who is calm and predictable.
He has adjusted well and is learning his new routine every day as we settle in together. He lived for 7 years with his humans, then moved to a temporary home with some friends who didn’t understand his needs and wants; we are excited to have him find the right home where he will be appreciated and loved. Jack is quite the looker on the outside and a sensitive guy on the inside.

November 3, 2024 – Jack catches treats and found a new favorite toy.
During a training session, I tossed a piece of kibble at Jack and he caught it. I did it several more times and he caught each one. We is great at sit, down, and shake. He is quickly learning high-five, spin, and bow. Jack loves to be with humans. He has an interest in everything I do. Polite and observant. He is up for most things with an enthusiastic “yes!”. Do you want to go outside? Yes! Do you want to go back in the house? Yes! Do you want to watch me make dinner? Yes! Do you want to watch me eat my dinner? No, I will just go over here and lie down so I don’t beg. Do you want to play with this toy? Yes!

November 2, 2024 – Jack enjoys the neighborhood
Jack is continuing to settle into his foster home. His family told me that he likes to watch the neighborhood and I can confirm he thoroughly loves looking out the front door.
Words he knows: sit, wait, stay, lie down, shake, toy, walk.
Things that scare him as reported by his family: lawn mowers, snow blowers, loud trucks with trailers
He walks relatively well with a front-clip harness. He sniffs a lot but it’s a new neighborhood and good for the brain. He pulled a lot with a neck collar.
In the next couple weeks, Jack will be getting neutered. Last night he was humping but that may have been stress-related. This morning he is not attempting that so he may be more relaxed and/or he learned he can’t do that.

November 1, 2024 – Jack arrives into rescue
A new, handsome Border Collie arrived to his new foster home today. Meet Jack. Seven year old male who has been well loved and cared for all his years. His mom had to move to assisted living so it was a sad goodbye. He is settling in quickly, loves fetch, loves toys, loves to give kisses, and is a curious, well adjusted, loving dog.

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