Help Us


Go to our PayPal link to make a donation directly to Wisconsin Border Collie Rescue. 100% of our funds go directly to our dogs’ care in foster homes. 


If you are interested in having a hand in helping Border Collies, please consider joining our group. No matter what you would like to help with or how much time you can spare – You too can make a difference, one dog at a time!

We are 100% volunteer led. If what you feel you can contribute is not listed here, let us know. We need helpers in many areas.
If you would like to join us, complete our Volunteer Membership Application.

Become a Volunteer

Wisconsin Border Collie Rescue Volunteer/Membership Application Being a member requires active participation in a committee and an annual $15 fee. You are considered “active” if you participate in any committee at any level and participate in the business end of the rescue (voting for the board of directors and bylaws). Complete the membership full application …